School lunch lines


Alexis Cluff, Staff Reporter

School lunches are a very important and passionate topic to many of the students at Weber High. School lunches are famous for their special flavors and unique flares. How good or bad they are vary from student to student. Some students hate school lunch, while others find it rather filling and tasty. However, no matter how much we may love or hate the food, there is one thing that all students can agree on. Everyone hates the long lines.

With the number of students at Weber, it’s not surprising that that line can reach the back of the lunchroom by the time everyone shows up. Some say that it’s because of how few lines are available. However, many students voice how they think that it’s not necessarily the number of lines, as it is what lines are used.

Everyone is aware that the four lines are often used to house different food choices each day, save for Line #4 which is always Grab-n-Go. Line #3 is similar, with it regularly offering a spicy or regular chicken sandwich. This is a well-known crowd pleaser and often the longest line. Lines #1 and #2 switch foods nearly every day, and will often be the next longest lines. Line #4 is almost always the shortest, thanks to the many quick and easy options.

With the saying ‘The early bird gets the worm’ in mind, many students will hurry to the lunchroom as fast as they are able in hopes for a good spot in line. Some say that if they moved line three’s choice to line four and made it the same as one and two, it might help distribute the more popular food faster. Many students, however, don’t think the lines are a problem with the food choices, but with the students themselves. Sometimes, not even the earliest birds are able to get the worms until the large flocks of birds crowding at the front of the line passes through. Everyone knows that there’s going to be someone who cuts in line, or someone who wants to talk with a friend and decides to just remain by them and get their food. When this is only one or two people, this doesn’t seem to be much of a problem. However, when a whole group of people cut up and stand next to one friend who happened to get there earlier, this causes a standstill in the lines. This annoys many people, many of whom had rushed to get there so they might get their food early, but now have to wait for the whole big group who just cut in line.

Many people complain about this; however, it’s not going to change unless people realize what they’re doing and do more honorable things like limiting their group to only one or two people, and have everyone else go to the back of the line and wait their turn.

People have to be aware not only of themselves, but they have to think about those around them. It’s not good enough to just complain and maybe get off at someone for letting a large group budge in line. Everyone needs to start thinking about what position everyone else is in as well. No one likes waiting at the back of long lines, and while it’s inevitable that some people are going to have to wait, it’ll help everyone if people will avoid letting big groups budge ahead of them in the line.