Provo Doctor Hit with 2 More Charges, Now Facing 17 Sexual Assault Felonies

A Provo-based gynecologist is now facing 17 felony sexual assault charges after prosecutors added two more counts to his case this week, according to newly filed court documents.

David Broadbent, 77, has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple female patients during his decades-long medical practice in Utah County. Allegations against him first surfaced in 2022, when numerous women filed a civil lawsuit claiming he had engaged in sexual battery. The lawsuit has since grown, with over 170 women joining the case.

Additional Charges Filed

Broadbent was initially charged with criminal offenses in June 2024, and more charges have been added in the months since. On Wednesday, February 26, 2025, he was charged with two new felony counts of object rape, related to an alleged January 2020 incident.

According to the latest accusations, a patient visited Broadbent’s Provo office for a breast exam, but he performed a pap smear against her repeated objections. Several other women have come forward with similar claims, alleging Broadbent engaged in medically unnecessary and painful procedures.

Legal Proceedings

Broadbent previously pleaded not guilty to the earliest charges but has yet to enter a plea for the most recent allegations. His pretrial conference for the first charges filed in 2024 is scheduled for March 17.

As with all criminal cases, charges are allegations, and Broadbent is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law .


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