From Offensive to Controversial: Why Utah Rejected 1K Vanity Plates

Utah drivers looking to add a personal touch to their license plates faced a high rejection rate in 2024, with more than 1,000 vanity plate applications denied by the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles. obtained a complete list of the rejected plates, along with explanations for why they didn’t make the cut.

The Utah DMV enforces strict guidelines for personalized plates, ensuring that all combinations adhere to standards of “good taste and decency” while avoiding anything misleading. Applications that fail to meet these requirements are denied.

Why So Many Plates Were Rejected

Among the 1,035 vanity plate denials last year, the most common reason was duplication—442 requests were rejected simply because the plate was already in use. The DMV categorizes denials into several groups, including:

  • Duplicate Requests – Plates that were already issued
  • VDPO (Vulgar, Derogatory, Profane, Obscene)
  • Series Conflict – Too similar to standard-issue plate formats
  • Sexual References
  • Drug-Related References
  • Public Welfare Concerns – Including violent or criminal references
  • Age-Related Disparagement
  • ERR (Ethnic, Race, Religion)
  • Disability-Related References
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Citizenship Status

Controversial Rejections

Following duplicate plate requests, the second-largest category of denials fell under VDPO, accounting for 282 rejections. Some of the more colorful submissions that didn’t pass approval included:

  • “ICUP”
  • “GYAATT”
  • At least 10 variations of “hawk tuah”

Plates rejected for explicit or suggestive content totaled 74, with applications like “DEZNUTS,” “STD22,” and “M0AN” among those denied. Additionally, 45 applications were flagged for drug-related content, including “ST0NED,” “CRKH0US,” and “SM0K1N.”

Plates that could be perceived as endorsing criminal or violent activity also faced rejection. These included phrases such as “MURDR,” “B0MBER,” “SH00TR,” and “WPNZ.”

Rarely Seen Denials

A smaller number of applications were denied for reasons related to social sensitivity. Only a single plate was rejected for its citizenship status reference, while four were turned down for content related to sexual orientation.

Additionally, the DMV blocked:

  • Five plates referencing disabilities
  • 12 plates flagged for racial, religious, or ethnic references
  • 29 plates with age-related implications

According to the Utah DMV, the cost of a vanity plate varies depending on the design, but approved plates come with an additional $10 annual renewal fee.


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