Utah author Brandon Mull continues Fablehaven world with new book


Kimberly Hatch, Copy Editor

Dragonwatch is the latest series written by Brandon Mull, an author from Utah. It is a sequel to the Fablehaven series. In the Fablehaven series, Kendra and her younger brother Seth discover the world of magical preserves, fairies, and dangers unknown to the world. The overarching story is that Kendra and Seth are in a race to keep the demon prison closed as long as possible. Along the way, the two save Fablehaven several times, get captured by enemies, and manage to achieve feats that experts would not dare do.

These characters return for another round in this new series. The first book, Dragonwatch, unveils the latest threat to the human world from the magical world. Since the defeat of the demons at Zzyzx- the demon prison- the dragons have started to rebel.

The ancient order of Dragonwatch first established the dragon sanctuaries. Dragonwatch was made of wizards, enchantresses, dragon tamers, and dragon slayers. The goal being to round up the dragons taking over the world, and keep them in check. Dragonwatch has since crumbled to the point where few members still exist. The dragons are now making a coordinated uprising against the sanctuaries around the world, including the sanctuary of Wyrmroost.

At Wyrmroost, Kendra and Seth have been called to take up the mantle of caretaker, along with the Dragon King, Celebrant. It is up to them to make sure that Wyrmroost does not fall; the dragons must not be let out. The first task is to figure out why the protective barriers of Blackwell Keep are suddenly weak, then they must fix them. The danger grows as Celebrant attacks and threatens Kendra and Seth at every turn.

This is an action-packed book that is filled with dangers, epic battle scenes, and comedy (mostly at Seth’s expense). The characters are relatable and the problems are real enough to be believable. This book takes the meanings of loyalty, personal growth and doing the right thing to the next level, as Kendra and Seth communicate with dragons and get to know the sanctuary they swore to protect.

Every emotion feels real. Just reading about the stress the characters feel gave me stress and a desperate hope they would succeed. When Kendra was trapped in a nightmare where all the people she knew were dead, I cried. It is more than just being empathetic; the imagery made every scene feel as real as day.

Personally, this book is an excellent read. My favorite scene in the entire book is when Kendra absolutely shames Celebrant. “You tore down the Perch like a vandal! You keep attacking your fellow caretakers! I denounce you! You are a fake! You are a joke! You can’t even stop two children from taking what you want! I demand you return your scepter! If any of your subjects had the courage of a little girl, they would take your crown! Slink back to your hole, worm! We’re trying to relax!” (Dragonwatch, page 358). This not only wounded his pride, but humiliated him in front of the Keep staff and his subjects. It also showed Kendra at the breaking point. Teaching that when all seems lost, it is best not to back down in the face of danger. Celebrant also tried to strip Kendra of her status when she was not unfit for it. Showing that those who crave power will put down anyone to get what they want.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes magic, adventure and Fablehaven. The other two books in the series are excellent reads as well, upping the stakes with every conflict, which makes the story extremely exciting to read. This series drew me in, and it will with you.