Veyo, UT – The main bridge into Veyo was temporarily closed for repairs over Super Bowl weekend, causing disruptions for local businesses, including at least one restaurant that had to shut down during peak hours.
Cracks Discovered, Prompting Repairs
During a routine inspection, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) found cracks in the plates retrofitted to the Veyo Bridge, requiring urgent attention. The bridge serves as a key route for businesses, bringing in both customers and supply deliveries.
While traffic has been limited to one lane with a signal system, some business owners say the wait times have been frustrating for customers.
“It hasn’t stopped business, but it’s made it more time-consuming,” said Brittney Lems, owner of Slice of Veyo Pizzeria.
Weekend Closures Force Business Decisions
UDOT scheduled full bridge closures from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 8 and 9, leaving some businesses unable to operate.
“We had to completely shut down,” Lems said. “Most of my employees live outside of town, and they wouldn’t have been able to get here. Super Bowl weekend is one of our busiest times, so this definitely had an impact.”
Additional closures are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. between Feb. 10 and 13, restricting traffic to a single lane when the bridge is open. Vehicles over 30 tons are prohibited until the repairs are completed.
Concerns Over Supply Deliveries
Lems, whose restaurant receives deliveries from St. George, expressed concerns that supply trucks may struggle to reach Veyo.
“If they can’t get through, we might run out of product until next weekend,” she said.
A Necessary Inconvenience
Despite the setbacks, Lems acknowledged that public safety comes first.
“It’s an inconvenience now, but it’s necessary to keep the bridge safe for the future,” she said.
UDOT reassured residents that, despite the closures, weekday traffic should still be able to flow during non-closure hours, ensuring commuters can get to and from work without major delays.